RA Prosecutor’s Office


The Working Group operating in the Prosecutor General’s Office summerised the results of the works


The Working Group operating in the Prosecutor General’s Office summerised the results of calls and reports on the alleged election crimes committed from 08:00 until 20:00, September 17—the day of election of the Council of Elders of the city of Yerevan as well as discussion and processing of media publications.


During the mentioned period, particularly, 22 reports and calls were processed, wherefrom 7 were media publications, 2 — posts made in the social media, 4 —observation missions, 4—physical persons, 2 of the reports were submitted by the president of the commission of the  electoral precincts and 3 —by the policemen.


13 reports from the received 22 reports on the alleged electoral offences having vague and general nature were submitted to the RA Police for the purpose of conducting necessary verification actions.


Among them:


  • 6 of them were about the compeling to participate in the assembly,
  • 6 of them were about the violation of the order of drawing up the list of electors or providing it to citizens and parties or publicating them.
  • 1 of them was about the violation of voting secrecy.


9 reports from total 22 reports on the alleged electoral offences were submitted to the competent subdivisions of the Investigative Committee and Anti-corruption committee for initiating a criminal proceedings.


Among them:


  • 1 report was on the obstruction of conducting a campaign. With regard to the mentioned report a criminal proceedings was initiated under part 1 of Article 264 of the Criminal Code for destructing or damaging a property.
  • 2 reports were on casting multiple votes or voting instead of another person. A criminal proceedings was not initiated on the basis of one of those reports. 
  • 1 report was on the obstruction of conducting a campaign. A proceedings was not initiated on the basis of the mentioned report.
  • 1 report was on the violation of prohibition of being engaged in the philantrophy.
  • 2 reports were on the obstructing the exercise of suffrage.
  • 1 report was on the obstructing the lawful, professional activity of the journalist.
  • 1 report was on another offence.


Thus, a protocole was not drawn up for initiating a criminal proceedings on the basis of 3 reports on the alleged crime and 1 criminal proceedings was initiated today based on 1 report.


The Prosecutor General’s Office shall soon represent the results of the works regarding the reports and calls received during the whole election process.